
Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025

École Notre Dame School presently offers half day kindergarten in English and French. We also offer Nature Kindergarten as a full-day kindergarten option.

We are now taking registrations for the school year 2024-2025. 

Early childhood is a significant period in human development. The kindergarten program helps prepare children for entry into Grade One and also provides a foundation for later success. The kindergarten learner expectations describe learnings that are appropriate for young children and are part of a continuum of learning. Young children benefit from programs that help them explore the world around them and guide them through the transition from home to school.

French Immersion Kindergarten

In a French Immersion Program students receive the majority of their instruction in French from a teacher who speaks French fluently.  The immersion program is specifically for children whose first language is not French.  Language learning poses few problems for the young child and Early Immersion offers maximum exposure to French. In Morinville, an early French Immersion Program is available beginning in kindergarten or grade one.

After their kindergarten year, students begin grade one where they receive Language Arts instruction in both English and French.  Religion and Health classes are taught in English.  Physical Education and Music may also be taught in English depending on available staff. 

Since the program was designed primarily for non-French speaking families, English is the language of communication between the home and the school.  Parents are frequently amazed at the ease in which their children learn the French language.  The French Immersion Program offers an excellent and enriching opportunity for your child to experience a second language.