School Council

School Council 2018-2019

School Reports
Administration Report

Trustee Report



Mission Statement

Together, students, families, staff and community are responsible for educating each individual and nurturing their growth within a Catholic/Christian atmosphere. This positive partnership fosters the development of lifelong learners and responsible, caring citizens.


Our School Council will facilitate communication amongst all of the concerned participants of our school community so that we may work together, as partners, to create an effective learning environment and enable our students to achieve their potential.


The objectives of the council, in keeping with the School Act and the School Councils Regulation, are as follows:

  1. To provide advice (input) to the staff and principal on issues of importance such as the school philosophy, mission and vision; school discipline policies; programs and directions; and budget allocations to meet student needs
  2. To encourage improvement with meaningful involvement by all members of the school community
  3. To support an approach to schooling in which decisions are made collaboratively and wherever possible at the school and classroom level
  4. To assist in the development of a common vision for our school council
  5. To keep the school board informed, in cooperation with the principal, of the needs of the school
  6. To support the school in its efforts to focus teachers' time and school resources on the essential tasks of teaching and learning
  7. To support any fundraising activities through the Notre Dame Elementary (Morinville) Parents' Fundraising Association
  8. To support the school's effort to communicate with the community.